Nesto Hypermarket
Best Offers, Deals, Promotions, Discounts, Catalogs, best deals on groceries, appliances, households and more…
It offers one of the best deals among retailers in the UAE, ranging from groceries, fresh fruits and vegetables, appliances, households, and more
It was established in 2004 by K.P Basheer, this Group owns the consumer electronics brand Geepas as well along with a retail supermarket chain, and other retail brands such as Clark Ford, YoungLife, and Royal Ford.
Within a very short span, It has emerged as one of the fastest-growing retail chains in the region. Currently, around 85 outlets are operating across GCC and India, with international standards products and most importantly very competitive prices.
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Management Office Black Square Building Near Ramada Hotel Sheikh Khalifa Road Ajman
Number: +91-67149999 Number: +965-56642635 Email:
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